Bailey Wilmes Photography

Jason Thomas Crocker Photography

Bailey Wilmes Photography

Bailey Wilmes Photography
Welcome to our Dream

Three Sisters Barn started as an idea in 2014 when the owner, Glenace Baldner, determined the family barn needed attention. She lives on the family homestead located near Dallas Center, IA that has been in the Baldner family since 1910. The old barn was showing its age, and needed major foundation work, not to mention repairs to doors, windows, siding, and a coat of paint. However, the barn was no longer being used as a barn, and rather than repair it to just keep it for sentimental reasons, she decided to tear it down. The idea of this century farm without a barn was difficult to imagine, and design of a venue for gatherings became the focus of the project that would become Three Sisters Barn. It is Glenace’s vision to operate Three Sisters Barn in service to the ideals of rural life and the importance of family connections.
The name Three Sisters Barn is a natural fit for this vision. The name has come from the desire to pay homage to the Baldner family with three generations of three sisters. All have had input into the project and have been supportive and enthusiastic about seeing the dream become a reality. Farm life shaped each generation of sisters in basic yet unique ways, imparting the values of hard work, honesty, integrity and the importance of family, to name a few.
Three Sisters Barn is unique because of its location and design, incorporating modern amenities and the appearance and feeling of a barn. It is also unique in that it is part of a working farm. Three Sisters Barn provides a backdrop for the celebration of life and allows families and friends to join together in an atmosphere of relaxation in rural Iowa. The inherent beauty of farm fields and open sky coupled with the love of family are the core in which Barn is founded and promoted.
I hope that you will allow Three Sisters Barn to share in your celebration!
Glenace Baldner, owner
Cheyanne Cover, manager